Sunday, March 26, 2006

Where do worms come from?

I'm wondering these days if I have some guests dwelling in me. About a week ago somebody started talking about worms and ways you can get them. Quickly in the conversation it became quite obvious that I am at risk for these party goers to crash my house, so to speak.

My diet is as follows:
frozen pizza
juices from various fruits
pizza which is not of the frozen variety
These things do not worry me. You see, during the week the guys and I will eat at this little cantina close to the orphanage. I once fed 9 people there for 100 lei (13 lei to a dollar). They serve really good soup, these little potato pie things and then some "meat?" or chicken or cutlet with some potatoes or some'thing' else. The soup and pie things I feel good about. It is the main course that worries me. I don't know where worms come from, to be honest. But this would be as sure of a bet as anywhere.
I've been told they help you lose weight. This isn't too bad, I guess. Perhaps I can get back down to my scientifically determined ideal weight which I haven't seen since 9th grade.
This week is going to be a tough one and not just because of the worms. There are going to be some challenging things and stressing times in the next few days. God is good.
(note: i've had a request for a top 5 saved by the bell episodes post from my good friend dean judson abernathy, III. this is my public testimony that i shall, indeed, fulfill this request.)


Anonymous said...

Does your bottom itch in the morning? Do you have some Scotch tape to place over a strategic spot to look for the little critters? do you suffer from insomnia, restlessness, irritability and severe itching in said strategic area? These are the symptoms of those little buddies.

Anonymous said...

Tim -

It has been a while. We'll talk about that soon. For now I must inquire to your fullfillment of Jud's request for a top five Saved by the Bell episode list. Is this going to be another Rocky song album? I just need to know if I should prepare myself to be heartbroken.


t.w.bedi said...

so good to hear from you. i have narrowed down the choices but must find the time to really get into it. it will come to fruition.
the rocky albumn will only die with me. there is still a chance. you know as well as anybody that you cannot rush genious.

Anonymous said...

Tim, take a guess who anonymous was? Whom do you know, and love, who can spout off symptoms and treatments of various illnesses? Whose usual prescription is take 2 ibuprofen??

As for the Top 5 SBTB episodes...There is one episode that stands out in my mind from the later years, and I can't recall the details. But, I'd like to give a shout out to the brilliant, dramatic acting capabilities of Elizabeth Berkley (aka Jesse Spano) demonstrated in this episode (It must have landed her the ShowGirls gig). She really stepped out and shared her emotional range in the "perfection" scene when she kept screaming and crying. Not being the SBTB connoisseur that you are, I cannot recall what her meltdown was or the phrase she kept screaming over and over. (Was she inflicted with bulimia??) Please set me straight, Obi-Wan-Belding.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah... and as far as the "butt worms" go... You know dad's classic treatment for all happening in the posterior area...


Anonymous said...

Yes! That's it! Judson I knew you would come through for me! It's all coming back to me know...

Just think if you could use your powerful random access memory skills for good.

t.w.bedi said...

do i have to bring up the "milk shake" argument. clearly, my sister has shown that sometimes she doesn't know right from wrong nor good from bad. if ever there was a true and noble cause, it was and is saved by the bell!
keep up the good work jud. i'm working on narrowing down my list.

Anonymous said...


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