Monday, April 14, 2008

off the road again

i am home. this makes me happy.

for whatever reason, it is 40-some-odd degrees in mid-april. it is as if God did not want me to miss out on the last bit of winter. perhaps He did not want me to be able to show off my flip-flop tan line.

the tan lines are like pale little arrows pointing the way forward. keep pressing on they say. past experiences have taught me to always listen to my feet.

the past couple months or so of travelling were ________? they were something. they were a lot of things. it is hard experience to sum up.

more than anything, i think it continued to shape my vision. God has been teaching me in odd ways for the last several years. He has taken me, sent me to different places and cultures to further understand my own.

i'm a blessed person. in john 1.16 it says that we've recieved blessing after blessing from the fullness of God's grace. i cannot think of a better verse for my life. the experiences i've had, the people i've met the things i've witnessed- i find myself unable to be anything but grateful.

with that in mind, there is one question that continually takes me off guard. 'would you do it again?' i am never ready for this question. i have trouble thinking like that. i'll usually bumble around for a bit and not really give an answer. i just don't get it.

i try to do what i feel God is trying to get me to do. it isn't easy and it is hard to tell sometimes. but if i've done everything i can to follow God's direction in truth and earnestness, anything that comes before me is worth it. would i do it again? if i felt like God wanted me to, absolutely. if i felt like God didn't want me to, no.

if this sounds like i don't have any direction or dreams or whatever, i want to be clear. i've never found more joy in anything than doing whatever it is my Creator has for me. it is in the following of Him that i've found the desires of my heart. it is in being faithful to Him, that i've found direction and hope. i don't want to lose that. i want to follow that to wherever it takes me. i just have to keep listening, keep pressing on, running the race, fighting the fight and whatever other metaphor suits ya.


Anonymous said...

Welcome home, my friend! Glad you enjoyed the journey...we missed you around here though!

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the GPS, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

Anonymous said...

Don't know why I'm leaving this here... but you need to seriously check out read a few and I think you'll see what I mean. I love those dinosaurs.
