i look at this picture and see passion, a man absorbed in what he is doing. then he got old, he got fat and finally got himself dead, on a toilet.
what happened?
i think of my life and i don't want this to happen to me. i've already gotten a little fat but i sure as heck don't want to die on a toilet. i want to finish my life with vigor, with passion. i want to be young elvis. i don't much care for old elvis.
paul's letters to timothy are a great help to me. it is a mentor's letters to a young, and from what i've gathered, somewhat scared man who is in over his head (a good place to be to experience God).
it's not just the advice, the wisdom that paul gives timothy that i love. it's the fact that paul is finishing as a young elvis, not the one that could barely squeeze into his gaudy jumpsuits. he still had the passion he did when he declared much earlier in his minisry that "i decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified." (1 cor. 2:2)
it is in these letters, his final writings, that he is able to declare the following: "i've fought the good fight, i have finished the race, i have kept the faith." (2 tim. 4.:7) and the fact was that he was still doing it. look closely a few verses down, he asks for timothy to bring his books and parchments above all (he also asks him to bring his cloak, which may or may not have been covered in rhine stones. we'lll never know). he knew it was just about his time to go but he still sought to know Christ and him crucified through the scriptures (the parchments). seeking Truth until the end.
i want that. i want to be a beat-up old fart who loves Christ with all he's got and who has been going strong since he started all those years back. i pray for the grace to love God passionately, which probably starts in the grace of knowing that He loves me.
of course, if you prefer the bloated elvis, this might not mean the same thing i'm hoping it does. metaphors are dangerous for this reason as. fyi- elvis died at the age of 42, easily the best number in the world.