This is the time remaining on my computer's battery: 42 minutes. It is almost dead and will be for some time.
Today my a/c adapter decided it would almost catch on fire. For 3 hours, Dane and I went to every computer store we could find to seek a replacement. We found none.
The guy at the last store we went to said he could fix it and it would cost either 100 lei or 250 lei depending on what was wrong with it.
If this doesn't work, I'm in a world of hurt. I will have no power for my computer unless this works or something else does. This is disapressing.
Things are going alright. It has been an interesting last few weeks. The saved by the bell post will have to wait a little. I'm sorry to those of you who are awaiting it. It will come. I'll know in a couple days if these guys can fix it.
Until then, I'll do what I can to keep you all informed. As for now, Godspeed.
(if anyone has an extra a/c adapter for a sony vaio, i covet it)
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
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1 comment:
I read your blog this morning before church, and I thought, "Surely there is some way to help Tim stay connected to his friends and family back home. I saw your mom in the hallway, and I said, "Carol, what can we do for Tim about that part he needs for his computer?" She said she doesn't have your address. Huh?! That is really random, no address...
Rita Venable
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